Monday, April 7, 2014


September 16, 2013
Hey family!
This week was really good and really busy, we had a lot of stuff going on and some how were still able to find time to proselyte :)
On Tuesday we had a zone training which went good then after wards I had an exchange with a new missionary from Colombia, it was really fun. he's a good guy. I gave him my arepa mix so he felt at home haha.
But man oh man how about that sunflower seed butter?!?! can I find that at any store, like walmart? its so good with raspberry jam on my arepas :D hehe. thanks for that package! that was a little bit of heaven haha. everything in it was wonderful!!!! <3
On this past Friday we all went to the nats baseball game. we had to go by metro and since I hadn't ridden on the metro a ton of times (I'm still a rookie) but there was a nice oldish couple that were also on their way to the game and they said we could follow them. We talked a little and they have family who are members and a nephew on a mission in Argentina! They aren't members still but I think it was great exposure! I think that was really the point of all us missionaries to go to the game for exposure. I enjoyed the game, it was fun a little boring but I enjoyed it. I still think rsl has better fans!! haha elder peacock...he found a suduko on the metro and just did that the whole pooper! haha. afterwards he was like that wasn't fun at all..I told him just the like mission it is what you make it :) he's kinda negative but I'm trying really hard to help him be optimistic and happy, its working a little ;) but on the way home from the game it was a mess!! we lived right off the yellow line by the Huntington stop but it was all we had to all take the bus down, but our bus driver got lost (this is around 11:30 at night haha I don't blame him) but with everyone's help on the bus we found our way. I was actually really surprised how well everyone responded and helped out it was cool. luckily we were asleep by 1. lets just say that next morning was quite early... haha but I prayed that even with the lack of sleep we could function and we both woke up and were surprised to notice we weren't tired! haha.
Our investigators are doing really well. we are trying really hard to help them progress the best we can. one investigator was watching a Spanish judge show and she told us how she saw there was a guy with 2 wives and was Mormon, she was really confused and told us to come over to talk about it. it went really well, and we thanked her for talking to us about it and not searching some weird website haha. none of them came to church yesterday which was sad because 2 of them called the morning of church and told us they'd see us there and another said the night before that he'd be there...oh well :)
Everything else is going good as well! that's pretty crazy about Stephen buying that car ha! I'm glad everyone else is doing great as well. oh yeah at the game I saw elder schoemig! the one from lone peak. got a pic with him.
love ya'll so much!
con amor,
Elder Lifferth

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