Monday, April 7, 2014


October 7, 2013
Hey familia!!! What a great general conference huh? :)
This week was pretty crazy and good!
On Tuesday we had the baptism for yasir! it was supposed to start at 5....I looked at my watch and it said 5:10 and yet it was just me and my comp...yikes! hhaha. but of course with God some how everything turned out great. the ward really helped a lot! haha. even though yasir is really shy haha he was trying really hard to not smile after his baptism but he just couldn't completely hide it haha, it was funny!
But yeah with transfers I stayed. but there was a lot of changes in the mission. three new zones opened up so now we have 10 small zones. Before we had 7 and about 30-40 missionaries in each zone, but that was just too big so now we have more zones with less missionaries in each!
This week we had a real hard time finding people home haha....people were just not cooperating with us ;) one of our families we are working with might have to move because they are really struggling financial and he even broke down and started crying...that was really hard to see. he has 2 young children with another on the way...I wish I could help them financial but as a missionary we can only offer salvation, which is much better than money ;) ha. it really had me thinking about the sacrifices parents make and the struggles they go through in order to help out their children. and of course it hasn't been easy for my parents, I know that you have really struggled in the past, and even though I'm not a parent yet seeing Wilbert go through that made me appreciate even more you two :) so thanks for all  you have done for me mom and dad.  we have a lesson with Wilbert tonight and we are looking forward to it. we are praying that they move in the area :)
We are still working really hard with our people, its just been hard to see them consistently lately...which makes it hard for them to progress...but they are all awesome!
The other day we got a coupon for a buffet and so we went and it was actually a really good deal! and we made sure to EAT haha, unfortunately when we got back one of the member families we are working with called us and said they made a lot of food for us...uh-oh haha. so right after having a nice buffet meal we had another huge meal! hahah I'm proud to say that we held it all down! :) I just burped up beans every so often haha!
I sure love you all and hope you all are doing great! we brought adolfo to general conference and he really liked it haha, I asked him what he thought afterwards and he said he didn't understand much but that he felt really good! haha.
con amor,
Elder Lifferth 


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