Monday, April 7, 2014

Labor Day

September 3, 2013


As I'm sure you are aware libraries are closed on labor day so here I am today!

That's really sad about Orbil...But we are blessed with peace and comfort to know about the plan of salvation. its weird but I was thinking that one of my friends would pass away...hmmm. I pray that his family and friends all doing ok.

This week was really good. E. and his family are still doing so great!! still progressing, and loving it! our struggle with them is putting him on date ha! but we prayed and fasted (I partial fasted because the cabeza is still affected by that :( ....) so we'll see what will happen!

Our other solid investigator Beni is doing good! I feel bad for him ha, he is a really good guy. On Sunday he didn't come to church and he hadn't been home or answering our calls so we tried again sunday night and he answered and was soo happy to hear from us and told us he was in the beach! haha

We've recently been teaching Berando. he's Mexican and has a drinking problem and really wants to change! he is so nice and open with us! we have a lesson with him today. he has 2 really young daughters.

One of the families we have been teaching has been really going against us now....they have been doing research on the internet and found a lot of anti stuff...its really sad because they were doing so good! but now when we go over its just a lot of questions about why can't we go in the temple, stuff about the bom, polygamy, just a lot of basura...

We have been working really hard! and we don't have a lot going on for us but we are sure trying to! haha. its been fun though. elder peacock is doing good and I have been really focusing on having him doing a lot of the stuff, and its helped him open up and talk more! I had him do all of our correlation mtg over the phone in Spanish and he was so nervous but he did it! haha.

We have another cool investigator who is so solid but is in a complicated situation! haha! he is currently living with his girlfriend and his 3 kids with her, BUT he is married to another person. I don't know all the details just that his wife won't have the divorce... its sad because he really wants to get baptized...but can't until all that gets arranged and fixed. I emailed president about it so we'll see.

Today school started over here! summer went really quick here! its pretty crazy its already September and dad's birthday!!!! how old are you pops, 84? hahah jk! I hope you have a great birthday and eat some good food!!!

Mother dear, in my pantry we have oatmeal and chocolate chips, and it got me craving 2 things: no bake cookies and revel bars!!! maybe if you could send me the recipe for no-bake cookies and then maybe send me some revel bars?? that would be incredible!

Well I sure love you!!! hope all is well. hope all are reading the scriptures daily and growing in their conversion! :) daily might I add. I think I have some pics but the computers here won't let me email them.... oh man... I sure do love being out here. and speaking of my end here would it be possible if I could fly to the Tennessee airport and ya'll pick me up from there. I really want to come home from the airport. and then another idea I had was (i'll need to talk with president) that dad serves with me out here for my last week or last couple days? I think that would be really cool to end with my dad being "my last" comp :) but that's plenty of time away!!!!

con amor,

Elder Lifferth




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