Monday, April 7, 2014


October 15, 2013

Hey family!!
I love you all!
On Wednesday morning I got a text from President with the information for the funeral and also the email! and it just so happened that that is the stake center we in meet every sunday! so that was really cool. but yeah, we showed up and she was only able to talk to me for a couple minutes because of how many people were trying to talk to her.
This week has been good. lots of hard work, its going really fast and I am having a hard time remembering everything! haha...
We have been meeting with one of our investigators and she was baptized into another church when she was 20 or so and so she didn't see the need to be baptized again, but last night we had a really good lesson with her and the spirit guided it all and she accepted a date to be baptized! nov 2!!! coming up quick! so we will be really busy to get everything done in time!!
Yesterday we went to the temple because it was p-day and columbus day so it was open. unfortunately they only show the new video on the hour...and we went to the 8:30 session....I was really disappointed.......hahaha but then I got over it and had a really good spiritual experience!
On saturday night our ward had our noche de hispanidad! it was really good and a ton of people came! 3 of our investigators came and really enjoyed it! there was a lot of good food ;)
Last Tuesday I went on exchange to bella vista! It was fun to be back for a day. We were out tracking and trying to talk with people but no one was home! we were thinking what is going on! then we walk by a taco truck and the guy inside told us that there was an immigration march and that a lot of people went! haha. that explained a lot .
Michael said he has a girl friend? If that's true, dump her. I'm glad Matt returned safely! is he still looking muscular? haha. I'm glad Stephen gets to visit for a couple days!!!
For that upcoming package just the journal, meds, and maybe some more revel bars or sunflower seed butter. maybe some pictures of everyone? nothing too much! pretty crazy how fast time is going!It's almost halloween!
Well I sure love you all! sorry for the sloppy email, didn't have a lot of time. all the libraries were full long line and wait ha...
let me know if I can do anything for ya'll.
con amor,
Elder Lifferth
ps, hermana weenig is in my district right now, there is an elder smith in my zone, there might be more than one elder smith though.

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