Wednesday, July 3, 2013


April 8, 2013

Hey Fam-Bam!!! Love you all so much!!!

But man how about conference!!! Friday night and Saturday night I had really cool dreams!! On Friday night I had a dream Elder Bednar and some other man came to me and sat me down and just taught me, very personally. When I woke up I was like man that’s cool but does it mean anything, then in my morning prayer I was telling God about it and then a thought came how General Conference is today and Elder Bednar is going to speak! So I better pay attention to that one I guess it was for me and I really enjoyed it! It was a great talk! Then Saturday night Elder Holland and his wife came to me and sat me down and taught me, very personally. Then the same thought, Elder Holland is going to speak today so pay attention, it’s just for you. It was really cool because I had no idea that they both were speaking at the same day of my dream! Miracle right?!?!

So lately I know I shouldn't be thinking of life after the mission but this week I've had the feeling I should be a seminary teacher and also coach soccer. idk! I don't know the schooling for becoming a seminary teacher would be! idk, maybe just a random feeling? But I wouldn't mind it!

So one of the guys we have been teaching, Andres, who is 14 tried to get permission from his mom to get baptized but she won’t let him...he has been sad but excited that when he turns 18 he can choose for himself ha. We still haven't talked to his mom because she is so busy!

The other day we were driving and we saw 2 crows trying to eat a baby squirrel and Elder Wilson was like pull over and we can save it, I was like I think it’s already dead! Then we drove a little more and he's like pull over! I was like ok ok ok.... so he runs out and grabs it and brings this thing in the car...covered with fleas and ticks....(do you see where I'm going at) I'm like bro....don't do that! not listening to me of course...then he starts picking off the fleas and just drops them in the car...I tell him to at least kill them and throw them out the window..."I am" he says....yeah right! hahah. Then he brings it inside our apartment............nooooooooo!!!!! haha past couple mornings I've been killing little crawlers on the walls....then after all that was said and done the squirrel's back legs are paralyzed....and we can't take care of it and we can’t let it go because then it'll die he puts it out of his misery...sad for both of us.....then he's like "yeah...should have listened to you..." all the problems could have been avoided.... oh well. I think I've killed all the bugs in the house... hehe..

We were doing some tracting the other day and started teaching these 2 18-20 guys and then another teen came and then another, so we are here standing teaching 4 teens about the restoration and out the end of it they are just all amazed and really feeling the spirit and they are all on date!!!! It was awesome!! Since may 18th is a saturday that’s one of the days we say to people, "we are holding a baptismal service on may 18, will you prepare yourself by doing....and be ready by that date?" and they all accepted! It was phenomenal!

The work has been going really good! We should have 2 baptisms this saturday and maybe 3 if this lady either gets married or boots the novio out of the house! She still has a couple days! So if you could all pray for roberto, nancy, and brenda! That would be great.

Everything is going good with me, a little allergies with all the new blossoms, we should be for sure going to the cherrry blossom festival next week!!!! I hope.....glad all of you are doing great! Any mission call for cousin Jordan yet?

Well sure love ya'll!!! Lemme know if I can do anything for you!!!!

Con mucho amor,

Elder Andrew Lifferth


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