Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Echo Hawk

May 20, 2013

Hey Familia I got the package and I really enjoyed it haha. Thanks so much!!!!

First off my year supply of allergy meds is almost out (the one from costco) if you can send me another one that'd be great, if not I can get smaller supplies here. Just let me know!!

Well this week was really busy and great!! Lots of great stuff happened.  I had my interview with President and that as always was really good. He's such a great man and president. I really look up to him a lot, it’s very true about my setting apart blessing about him.

Then we had our "launching leaders: meeting with Elder and Sister Ritchie (the very successful ones) and they taught us a lot. One thing that I really liked is that they told us the danger of comfort zones, they said comfort zones destroy productivity! And the only way to get out of comfort zones is by setting and keeping goals!! They also told us to make our own "personal constitution" for different phases of our life and always changing and adding to it depending on the phase of life you are in. So now that I'm a missionary I've written one but I'm going to add more about some stuff that he taught. So I invite all of you to make your personal constitution and live it, write what your values you, what your goals are, who you want to be etc etc.

Then as you see that picture with Elder Larry Echo Hawk, he came to our half mission conference to talk!!! It was awesome!!! But wow it was really amazing!!! He used to live in this zone here in Arlington before he was called into the 70. He talked really about so much stuff, from his experience getting called, his life's story, his conversion story, how he played football at byu for every game for 4 years even though he was the smallest guy. He talked a lot about finding out what is God's divine plan for you. He said to find out you need to pray and read from the bom, so that’s what I'm trying to do because I want to know what God's plan for me is.

Yesterday we were tracting and talking with everyone. One guy we talked to was just being crazy. He wouldn't accept the BOM....we met at least 3 crazies this week who were just so opposed to was really sad... but as we were talking to this guy a lady came and just stood by us.. I was like ok listen please. Then at the end I introduced us and she said she is a member and told us her story...very crazy story and one I honestly had no idea how to respond haha....she told us she got in a big fight might have to go to jail for 2-5 years...and that also since it has been so hard being a single mom and providing for her kids she decided to be a prostitute for response was that now more then ever she needs the gospel and love of Christ and that the only way she is going to receive that is by going to church and talking with bishop. I then shared about the atonement and shared one of my favs scriptures, alma 7:11-13. She cried and then we set up another appointment. The spirit was really strong and it was just a really crazy experience....I felt bad for her...

But my birthday was really good, President Riggs called me and sung to me haha and Elder Wilson drew a pic of me literally and gave it to me...and some candy and Elder Olivo got me a gluten free chocolate cake and a less active member made a type of lomo soltado :D it was really good. I also got your package on my b-day, perfect timing haha. Also Sunday night a member called and gave me another gluten free chocolate cake!! Previously I had done a really good job of laying off the sweets ;) hehe. So it was good, it felt like just another day being a missionary though! Which really is one of the best gifts!

We haven't seen our miracle family this week,......noooo!!!!!! We called, texted, knocked the door and they have just been busy with work.. We are trying so hard to reach our goal of 6’s going to be so hard!!! But we are being obedient and working hard so God is helping us!

Also on Saturday we went to visit a less active who doesn’t want to go to church and hasn't been for over three years because she is embarrassed to go because her son is gay... we talked a lot and shared scriptures and testified..we asked if she wanted a blessing and she said yes and choose me! Another great b-day present!!! I felt the spirit so strong!! I was nervous but God put the words into my mouth. It was very nice. Power of priesthood is so powerful and real.

Well family I love you all so much!!! Transfers aren't this Thursday but next Thursday, President said most likely me and Elder Olivo will stay and Elder Wilson will leave. I'm ok with whatever God wants. It will be fun. I enjoy training, it’s fun. I have some pics but the computer is being a clown again... ahhhh well.....

Sure love you all so much and miss you all so much too! ya'll are great!!! Thanks for the package and the ties. I wore one to church!!! I like them. I think that’s all, I'm glad everyone is doing great!

Con amor,

3lder Lifferth

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