Monday, November 19, 2012


November 19, 2012
Dear Family!! Thanks for the package, I really appreciated it!!! Love yall. HAHAAH Michael's facial hair is pretty nice haha.
I was talking to Elder Ochoa about that google map thing Stephen showed us how it looked like Jesus in the sky, can you send me those coordinates so we can see it? :) haha
This week we had Diego's baptism! It was really great. At first we weren't sure if it was going to happen because by the time saturday came we hadn't seen him because he had to work so much!! We were almost certain it wouldn't happen, but we called him that night and asked how he felt and that if he wants we can move it back no problems! But he said that he was ready and wanted to do it! SO sunday we got everything ready! pretty stressful and hectic, but it all worked out great. The Lord really made it happen. I am really starting to see that converts are some of God's elect! Wow…they are so prepared and spiritual! It’s a honor to be able to work with them all! ha
But yes last week went to DC and went to a couple museums! It was cool. A lot of the area was under construction, we went to the natural history museum, the air and space museum there, and tried to go to the spy museum but it was $20 a person… then on our way home we somehow got extremely lost and somehow ended up in Maryland!!! whaaaaat...??? super crazy, hahah we drove through some pretty tough looking neighborhoods but we were safe. We actually saw this older dude wearing a real purple pimp suit/tux looking thing haha like something from the movies hahaha! Good ol ghettos huh?! But it was really fun, I enjoyed it.
So at the last transfer mtgs (we didn't go but heard..), Sis Riggs got up and told everyone about how she has received revelation that if we look through our area books with a prayerful heart she promised that we will find at least one person who is ready for baptism! So this week we've been really focusing on that! It’s been hard because previous missionaries didn't do the best at keeping it nice, for example not putting addresses or full names, or phone numbers etc.. but we've been working hard to firstly organize it and then with the names and records that we do have FIND THEM! There were some with just numbers so we each took a turn calling them! But through all of our efforts this past week we found 6 new 'gators! It was very hard work though, which was awesome! Hopefully one them will be baptized soon so we can reach our goal! (our mission goal is 480, we lack 100, but Pres and Sis Riggs promised that if we do our best and use the area book we can reach it. Also if each companionship baptizes 2, we only need one more to get it!!!)
On friday Elder Ochoa had to interview someone getting ready to be baptized, and in the mean time I was to talk and visit with Timoteo! HE's this homeless guy. We talked for an hour and a half! It was cool, he seems really interest in the church. He's very spiritual already and already has great faith in God. He's from El Salvador (which I hear is very crazy now?) but I visited, shared scriptures, testified, and just chatted. He is super nice, I invited him to church and he said he'd be waiting at the library around 1:30-45 ish so a member could pick him up. On sunday during my studies I was thinking about him and how we weren't going to forget, I felt to write it down so I didn't forget, but I was too focused on my studies that I didn't.... next thing I know we were stressed and at church at 2 then realized we had forgotten to get a ride for him.... I felt terrible! I had received a prompting and I didn't act on it immediately...and because I didn't act immediately we missed out on a precious blessing...I can't describe how bad I I repented, and learned a great lesson that when we receive a prompting it’s a prompting to act then , not when it’s convenient but then. If we were supposed to do it later then we would have received that prompting later.. Man,,, so disappointed in myself.. so I will be doing better at that, and I'd like to challenge all of you to act not ASAP (as soon as possible) but immediately!!! Sorry for the bad example. We'll be seeing him this week so I will need to apologize to him.
This week we got an invite to eat thanksgiving dinner with Hermano Fuentes!!! He's in the Chantilly English ward but speaks Spanish! Last time we went over there they didn't have any food so they ran to the store super quick (not sure if you remember that?) but we told him I can't eat turkey and no fuss no muss he said he's going to do ham and a lot of food I can eat. He truly is a great man, he's a convert but just looking at him you'd think he was a 70 or stake president or something high up haha. I'll try to get a pic. But he was baptized just this March and is already his ward's missionary leader like pops!!! Pops sounds like you got it all under control, missionaries like that!!! Keep it up :)
We've been getting a ton of referrals this week! holy almost too much haha, it’s keeping us very busy!!!! Its great thing, I feel like everyone is really stepping up here it’s amazing to see!!!
So how about that gray cardigan?? ;) hehe
Everything sounds great back home!!! I love you all, hope you get everything worked out with Amanda and everything else. Glad the callings are going good. Pops with our youth and stuff it’s not too organized like you haha, we just ask different youth if they can come etc but they're usually busy. The relief society takes care of our dinners though!! Yum. Glad everything is well with the car. If there is anything yall need just let me know. I hope you all have a great thanksgiving, I am so grateful for all of you and all you do. Keep it up!!!
Love yall.
Con amor,
Elder Andrew Lifferth


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