Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012
Hola Mi Familia,
Love you guys!!! I got the pictures you sent mom -ha Annslie's hair is longer! It’s good to hear how everyone is doing great!
This past week was good. We have been really focused on trying to find people, because we don't have many lessons. And usually when we have a return appt they're not home...little comedians-ha. So we have been tracting a lot and have been having some cool experiences. Prayer and hard work really work. If you just pray then act, things will work out. Sometimes when I pray I don't feel like I get a prompting but I just go to a place and it turns out good. It’s like that talk by Elder Bednar and he says how do you know if you're feeling a prompting or if it’s you? He says, stop worrying about it. Just act, and if you aren't supposed to go down with that action then God will tell you but it’s so important to act.
We went to a new apartment area and had a couple funny experiences. One we were knocking and we came up to this one door and it smelt so strongly of weed...ha-ha then a lot of people walk out with a couple dogs and they were all just laughing and what not. Then we came to this other door, he opens and is like “hey guys” and walks out the door. He tells us he's already good with God, and that he appreciates what we do, the funny thing is he got locked out of his house! And started cussing and dropping bombs like crazy. I wanted to say something like are you sure you're good with God?? But we just left and started laughing. :)
One day this lady from Bolivia invited us over to make some rice bread from Bolivia, because she knows that I'm GF. It was really nice of them. There's a couple pics of me being a goof....man. But we made a ton and she gave us them all. There is rice flour, yuca plant mush, milk, and cheese. Even though it has cheese I enjoy it best with syrup or grape jam ha-ha so good actually.
It’s really cool to me how God will put people in our paths or us in others' paths. One day we felt we should head out, and we passed a little cute latino family and kept driving. A little down the road I slammed my bike breaks and yelled up to Elder OChoa that we have to talk to them. So we went back and they were super awesome. We set up a return appt so we are praying it will go through. The same thing happened again (one reason bikes are so good, more street contacts!!!!) this chap was walking home from work and we talked to him and again it was awesome. Return appt, and even if it falls through we accidentally later knocked into house apartment };) hehe we know where he sleeps now.
Return and Report was really good. Pres Riggs made me some GF pancakes, they were actually really good! Haha, I feel like he really looks out for me because his whole family is pretty much GF and celiac! So we all understand each other!!!
Yesterday at church none of our 'gators showed. Alis didn't because he had a chemotherapy session the Thursday before. And Alex… nothing. IN fact we haven't heard from him in awhile...
But everything is good. We've given a ton of blessings. I finally memorized the anointing part in Spanish. I would have to say though, the names are the hardest part!!! So long and crazy :) Its really a powerful experience for non members to see the power of the Priesthood in action!!
I haven't got the package yet but hopefully today. I did get my inhalers but this week is the last of my thyroid meds!!!! :) Just whenever you can though. I look forward to the brownies :D
A lot of people refer us to Mitt Romney workers ha-ha. People are always either saying stuff like “Yeah Mitt Romney!!!!” Or “boo we hate him!!!” HAHAHHA it’s pretty funny. So far people who have told us their opinions who are for mitt are black and those who are against him are white?? Kinda funny haha.
New countries: Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Iran, Ukraine. It’s really awesome.
Everything sounds good back home. I really enjoy the Halloween party ha-ha good times. You all gotta send me pics of your costumes! :) So I'm sorry that I haven't been able to write a handwritten letter, but if anyone sends me one first then I will write one back! Deal? Deal.
I hope everyone is safe and sharing the Gospel with others. I'm glad stake conference was good. I think stake conference here is coming up as well.
I love you all soooo much. I miss you. It’s crazy that just in 2 short weeks this transfer is over. I hope I stay with Elder Ochoa again, but if not I'll go where ever God wants me. I trust in Him. Also I'm so grateful for the Atonement, it really works. Because of it, Christ can make up the difference of anything just as long as we are doing our best!!
Love you all!!!
Write me!!
Elder Andrew Lifferth


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