Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happy Day

August 5, 2013

Hola todos!!!

I love ya'll. Can't believe its already p-day and time to email ya'll again! haha.

This week was good. on Tuesday I went on an exchange with "my son" elder olivo haha. it was really good. I had him make me some arepas!!! (they are like Colombian tortillas) haha I really enjoyed being with him. He is doing good. we had a really good open talk, i'm glad we are friends.

We have been working really hard with la familia Hurrutia. We try to see them everyday, in the past we have noticed that as we don't follow up with someone daily they really don't progress! so we have been really focusing on that! and last sunday they all came to church!!! whoo!!! even though the mom and dad aren't married...(yet!) they are progressing!

another family we have been working with is la familia Castaneda. they are a less active family! and we try to at least see them every other day, have a FHE or share a small lesson. the dad hasn't been to church for a loooooong time and every single one of them came!!!! President Monson has stressed lately that less-active work is on the same level as baptisms! I personally feel so much better when we reactivate a less-active family! baptisms of course are great too!!!!

Yesterday as a mission we started a 40 challenge type thing. I would also like to invite you all to give it a shot too. The talk is called "Thy confidence shall wax strong in the presence of God" and in there it lists the challenge! so really think about it and do it :) I'm looking forward to it!  and then also with that (don't leak this, this is top secret) on sept 13 to kick start the 'national service day' that the church does all the missionaries here gets to go to the nationals baseball game! Bryce harper should be making some comments as well because he is a member too! so it will be really fun!

Another thing that we have been picking back (president took this away because it got abused) is playing soccer with the ward! The members and us bring less-actives and also investigators! and a lot of people come! there is this one family, la familia Fuentes, and they love soccer and because of that they have been reactivated and also our visits! so its a great tool, especially in the Hispanic culture here!

everything else is going really good as well. This week should be busy! 2 exchanges and our Spanish Forum! Lots of planning and preparing! But it should be really good!!

I really enjoyed reading the dream dad had hahaha it made me laugh and smile!!! gooooooooaaaaaaaaaaalllll!!!! haha. i'm glad everyone had a safe trip!

Just sitting here reflecting on you all makes me very grateful to God for giving us each other! I'm grateful for the plan of salvation and that we can all live together forever in complete happiness!!! God loves us so much. And we can show our love to him by being obedient and striving to be like Christ! Even though that is a simple concept, its not always easy but He is there to help us with it all. 

You are all great people. i'm grateful for you all and your testimonies and example. I couldn't ask for anything better. Sometimes I feel like God spoils us!

Con mucho amor,

Elder Lifferth

Ps- the picture: can you tell its p-day haha????! 



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