Wednesday, July 3, 2013


May 6, 2013

Hey Family!!!

This week was really good and kind of hard haha.

Mom I sent you a letter the other day, when you get it you can't open til after we talk on skype or phone on mother's day! ok?! Also if you could get my username for skype and password in case we find a member who will let us skype? and if we don't skype I'll just call you. But either I'll call to work out my skype info!

Also Elder Olivo my new comp is a good guy. He's 18 and graduated early from high school so he could leave early haha. But this week was pretty hard, kinda. His first couple days we got dropped by a couple people and none of our plans really worked out. He was really disappointed to see that, but it’s been good to teach him how the mission life is and that plans rarely go through! haha it’s not all sunshine and roses.

We did have a lot of good stuff happen this week though too. Lots of good lessons and new people!! We were tracting this really sketchy area haha and we saw 2 people and started walking towards them and they saw us and when we looked for cars to cross the street they both booked it away! One ran inside the apartment and the other ran away fast holding his pocket. And then a car pulled up to that guy and there was some yelling and Elder Olivo who is Colombian said that they were asking for cocaine and using colombian "signs" it was pretty crazy haha. But no harm or anything to us, just really funny how fast they darted away!!!

One of our biggest miracles is the Soto family!! We still have to teach them and yet they came to the ward party Saturday night and church and again to the temple with us!!!! I was really thinking they were members haha ,but they're not, just so prepared and ready, truly angels, it’s so mysterious!!! haha. They are such a cool story! haha it’s hard to describe just because I don't know much about them because we haven't even taught them yet!!! But they accepted to be baptized ! haha.

We also took Brenda to the temple visitor's center. I forget how beautiful the dc temple is! wow!! (I took some pics but the computer is not letting me upload again...) the spirit was so powerful and the sister missionaries who work there did a really good job with the lesson. I really feel like I'm in heaven while I'm there. Definitely gotta get married in that temple.

So at our ward culture party everyone brought food from their country and I was sampling and these taco things I was eating I realized that it  wasn't corn tortillas...but flour... I was like great...but nothing happened for a little til about 10:10 at night, my stomach started really killing and I threw up a little bit. I don't remember gluten ever hurting like that in the past when I ate it..? oh well I'm ok. Still feel a little pain and change in my digestive system. I still think I haven’t gotten everything out! haha (too much info?)

The work here is going really good. I'm really looking forward to talking with you all hopefully by skype but if not that’s ok too!  Working really hard and talking with literally everyone to try to reach our goals!!! Also yesterday was really hard to tract because of cinco de mayo haha either no one was home or everyone was drinking...we were tracting one area and police came to a little fiesta with lots of drunk people... ha. Word of wisdom people!!!

One thing that I am extremely grateful for is the commandments and obedience. I may not have always been obedient in my life but I have really learned the importance of it. And how commandments are really here to help us with everything. They help us grow and become more Christ-like. When we keep the commandments we feel worthy and happy. No guilt or shame or pain. And not to mention DC 82 :10. I'm grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who loves us enough to be hard on us  and give us commandments. I'm grateful for all of you and that we can have emotion and love for others. I'm grateful for missionary work and my friends especially Elder Moodie, mi mejor amigo en todo el mundo!!! I'm grateful for the work of Jose Smith and all that he gave for this gospel. It makes me want to give all I have too. I feel ready to give all I have for this gospel. Sacrifice something good for something better. I love you all so much. I'm very grateful for your examples and support. Don't forget to get my skype info all worked out because I honestly can’t remember my username or password!! hehe oops.

Con mucho amor,

Elder Lifferth

"Make it happen."



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