Monday, April 22, 2013

February 25, 2013

Hey fam!

First off have you heard the new news?! There will be 58 new missions opening up and my mission will be affected. We will be losing Fredricksburg and Woodbridge zones. Meaning our mission is going to be probably half the size!!! The new Virginia Chesapeake mission is opening so a couple changes. We do not know all the details on how missionaries will be affected only that we are losing 2 of our biggest zones! Ha I also saw there will be a new Georgia Macon mission, I wonder if that will affect Elder Moodie? hmmm. It’s great to see the work hastened on! I get chills thinking about it! whoooooo!!!!!!! hahah

Some other crazy stuff, last p-day after I emailed you we went to pick up the Reston elders to run some errands and when we got there the whole place was wrapped up with police caution tape! And tons of fire trucks and police cars! We were wondering what happened, later the Reston elders told us that there was a murder that somehow lead to a fire! Pretty crazy. There is 3 sets of missonaries that live in that complex as well but they are all ok and 2 sets didn't even know about it till after when we told them!

This past Thursday or Wed, we had interviews with president! It was really awesome. I had a couple questions so we talked about that for a little. then he talked to me and told me some really cool stuff! Man it was amazing! He is a great guy!

We've found a couple really cool 'gators! We've been having some really good lessons as well! But for whatever one is coming to church!!! It may be because it starts at 8:30...hmmmm. We are working so hard to get them to come, just gotta keep moving forward and be consistent with them. There are a couple that are just so solid they just aren't going to church! We are really trying hard to get members to help with us so that our 'gators can make friends in the church and progress faster! but it’s been hard! A lot of our ward's men work like 3 jobs..but we sure are pushing for it! This week we should have a couple if not at least one everyday! If we were all to work together missionary work would be 100000x better.

So yesterday I made me some toll house bars! Gluten free in fact! hahah so good and I also made brownies for Elder Scott. It was really good! I hadn't had sweets in awhile and it was sooo good hahah. I try to serve Elder Scott sometimes he says thanks sometimes he doesn't…but I keep doing little stuff for him! haha. I really try to love the guy. He's a good missionary and all.

This past Tuesday I had some service with Elder Polkowske (my zl and my pal, we were on exchange) we got to paint a lady's bano! It was actually pretty fun haha, I enjoyed it a lot! Then afterwards she fed us a huge peruvian meal!! It was waaaaaay good btw! hahah she's a nice old little lady. Very tiny and fragile looking ! haha

On Friday morning we had a lesson with a 'gator, ended up not being there and as we were walking back to our car Hermana Penaranda is calling us to come into the house because her husband was really sick and needed a blessing. God sure knows His children and what they need! Well Hermano P asked that I seal and give the blessing in Spanish of course (it’s strange as we were walking I felt I was going to give a blessing then she waves us in, at first I was like maybe she needs help moving some furniture because the husband is at work, then she tells us he is sick, I was like ooooo ok (: ) so I think it went good, the wife was crying from it haha, so that was cool to see. The last couple blessings I've given tears have been shed. It just shows me and strengthens my testimony of the power of the priesthood! It’s great to have the power for the blessing and service of those around! That’s why as a priesthood holder it’s so important to always be worthy and willing to help when called upon!

Yesterday we went to check up on one of our 'gators, who we think is a pastor or the main guy or the head hancho at his church, and he said he's been reading the bom and said he thinks it’s true he just needs to pray! He told us in really good detail what took place haha we were pretty shocked. We can't tell if he's just reading to understand our church or if he's actually interested! So we'll see what events unfold in the coming weeks! haha :)

I think that’s about all I can think of. I hope everything goes well with primary and dad's work! and soccer tryouts and so on and so forth. I guess it’s kinda good to be busy but remember to slow down and serve others and read the scriptures and general conference talks (which btw is a little over a month away!!!!)

I sure do love you all a ton!!!! I hope all is well. Hope you enjoy the pics haha. One pic is when it was so cold it literally hurt my skin haha and the other is me studying in my long johns and boots hahah

con amor infinita,

Elder Andrew Lifferth

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