Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fam Bam

January 7, 2013

Hey familia! How’s it going? This week I got the package and also the package of letters! Thanks so much. I want to respond to them all but not a lot of time, but as I find time I will try to reply! It was great hearing from all the ward and kids haha.

This week we've been working really hard haha. I've been really trying to do my best and rely on the spirit to know where and who to do see. Having some good success, no one too solid but good stuff should be coming, I can feel it haha. I'm looking forward to the next couple weeks!!!

The other day we've been working really hard with Alis (the bro with cancer) and he's alright but his girlfriend keeps on calling us and asking to see if we can help with the rent! I'd answer the phone and she's like so umm can you guys help out with our rent...? I was like....you've gotta be kidding me haha I was like well we can't but we can talk to obispo to see what he says. I feel like there are a lot of peeps who use us a little! haha like idk maybe just kinda feel used sometimes, not sure how to explain! haha

We visited Mario (the crazy guy who always brings up shooting people) and we were talking with him and talking about the BoM and he is interested and promised to go to church..but didn't, but anyway we were talking with him and he was telling us how he goes up to NY once a month. We asked him why, and he paused and kinda got a creepy face and said "business" haha I was like holy cow...this man is crazy-- ha good guy though

Erick romero is doing good. Should be getting the priesthood this upcoming Sunday so he can baptize his ninos! We were there the other day and he just broke down crying on how hard things are for him now...financial and just really difficult times...it was really hard but the spirit was there very strong and it was comforting him! He's such a good guy, It’s all just happening because he's trying to get his life in order but he's being strong. He told us at work that he's been sharing the gospel with his friends. He says that they make fun of him for being mormon but he doesn't care, he stays strong… great example.

I really feel like my Spanish has improved a lot this transfer a lot! It’s crazy, God really is blessing me with a lot right now!

The other day, an investigator invited us over to have pupusas! and fitz didn't want to go because he's watching "his weight" so he scheduled an exchange with the reston elders. So I got elder smith, no Spanish at all! Ha-ha so the whole day I led everything and taught everything by myself! It was awesome! Ha-ha huge growing experience, I don't think that was legal but it helped me grow haha.

Also dad, I was wondering with addition to your emails if you could write me spanish letters to me in the mail, and then I can write back! More practice! Well, if you have time. I know you’re busy!

Yesterday we had the opportunity to give a blessing. I gave it and it was powerful, the lady was crying, it gave me assurance and peace that the spirit was working through me! I love that feeling, especially because sometimes I can't tell if the spirit is with me, but just to see that it’s like, ahhh ok the spirit is working through me!!!

Today Bro Drawsbeck, is taking us the greatfalls waterfall, I'll try to take pics! We've been so busy it’s hard to remember to take some pics!!! haha sorry.

Well I love you all so much. If next week you can give me more info on where and when to go to get my blood tested and I'll try to do it! ;)

If there is anything you need lemme know! I love you all so much, thanks for your love and support!

Con amor,

Elder Andrew Lifferth

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