Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

 Hey so sorry about last week... but I will make up for it.

Lots of stuff happened. I'll start from the beginning. On Thursday the 16th we got a call from the Hermanas telling us that Vilma was in the hospital. So we headed over there and at first we couldn't find her but then we did. She wanted a blessing, so I anointed and Elder Ochoa whispered in Spanish what I should say then he sealed. I didn't understand much, but the Spirit was really strong. And as soon as we lifted off our hands she wasn't crying anymore. When we first walked in she was just crying and in so much pain, but as soon as it was over she was perfect. She actually wanted to leave right there but the nurses are like no you are not ok blah blah blah...haha it was so cool.

Then Friday we found 2 new 'gators, Powerful lessons with them. It was sweet. I really enjoy tracting and finding, it’s hard but I love it.

Then Saturday we had a baptism, the son of Vilma, Carlos. It was a great way to start the mission ha-ha. We found 3 more 'gators Saturday as well. Super powerful lessons. And 7 new potentials. Whew what a day!!

Then Sunday we had church and I didn't understand much but everyone was so nice and welcoming. Then we had dinner at a member's house then we went finding. We found Karen and she is from Jamaica, and so cool. I told her about the Moodies so she liked that. It was a good ice breaker!! She is looking for the truth (sadly we found out the other day she moved....) Tough luck.

Monday the 20th, we had p day and went shopping-- got some gf food!! I got plenty of food so don't worry about that ha plus the members and other people feed us like crazy!!! We also found a couple new 'gators hopefully they'll get progressing. I have so much hope for them all.

Then Tuesday we had a lesson with Herber. The Hermanas passed him on to us and said don't worry it will be an English lesson, so I was like yeah sweet!!! We get there and it was literally an English lesson. He's from El Salvador and is trying to learn English ha-ha. But it was good. He is super humble and nice. We invited him to church too. We also found a guy who was familiar with our church and seemed interested ha. He asked a lot of good questions. Hopefully he'll get somewhere!

Then Wednesday, another busy day!!! We found a couple peeps and we were walking away and I saw this man and woman and I felt prompted to go talk to him, at first Elder Ochoa didn't want to. But we did anyway :) They turned out to be very interested, but when we went to teach for our return appt he wasn't there...but there is still hope :) We've been passing out BOM's like crazy, we actually had to get a new box full :D

Then Thursday we went tracting with one of the youth (this ward's youth is way strong) and it was good. We found 2 new 'gators and hopefully they will progress as well. They seemed open, so we'll see.

Then Friday we went to teach Edwin (got baptized several weeks ago) more about the priesthood and his cousin was there too and asked a ton of questions :) We will be teaching him more. Also it was Elder Ochoa's year mark so we burned a shirt ha-ha.

Then Saturday was his b-day too, the big 21 ha-ha. A ton of people gave us cake and took us to restaurants so we gained a couple pounds ha-ha, but the people here are poor but so generous and so giving of almost anything to us the missionaries, it touches my heart and I also feel kinda bad...but they will be blessed for it.

Then yesterday at church I felt I was already understanding a lot more. I know that is a blessing straight from God. It’s miraculous. Then we had dinner with the same family as last Sunday and I understood more and more. It’s cool how God blesses. Then we went tracting and looking for our return appts no one home though... but we found a member from Sierra Leon and he was cool. We talked a little soccer and he was poor but on our way out he gave us a home made ginger drink ,,,,it was way strong and I didn't like it, but just how generous he was touched me.. man some great people here :)

But yeah I fixed the pics so they should work, let me know. And also my coat???? and shoes??? What’s the word? :)

I've been keeping track of the countries people are from that I've met and each week I'll update it: Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, Nepal, Thailand, Sedan, Peru, Jamaica, Ghana, Togo, Vietnam, Ethiopia (crazy guy from there said he was Christian, but I think he worshipped Moses instead ha-ha), Philippines, Egypt, India, and Sierra Leon. That’s it so far, cool huh?? You probably wonder how often I speak Spanish and actually use it? All the time!!! And only English a little, but it’s so cool. I love it here. The weather is how I like it, overcast and occasional rain, not too hot :) ahhhh it’s nice, trees everywhere. Oh yeah, the city I'm in is called Herndon. It’s pretty nice. It’s kinda like Draper and Sandy with some rougher areas mixed in, but everyone is really chill and nice here.

Well thanks for everything, sounds like fun back home. Sorry I didn't write you… no time ha-ha, but when I have time I'll try, I'm super busy. It’s great :)

Love you all so much!!!!! Let me know if I can do anything for you!!! God blesses!!

Con amor,

Elder Lifferth

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